Out Today! 8/26/14

Out Today is my weekly post where I feature all the books that are coming out this week.

Six Feet Over It by Jennifer LongoFeralThe AftermathMaid of Deception

Six Feet Over It by Jennifer Longo [Amazon | Book Depository]
Feral by Holly Schindler [Amazon | Book Depository]
The Aftermath by Jen Alexander [Amazon | Book Depository]
Maid of Deception by Jennifer McGowan [Amazon | Book Depository]

DeliveranceThe Perilous SeaA Little Something DifferentUndead with Benefits

Deliverance by C.J. Redwine [Amazon | Book Depository]
The Perilous Sea by Sherry Thomas [Amazon | Book Depository]
A Little Something Different by Sandy Hall [Amazon | Book Depository]
Undead with Benefits by Jeff Hart [Amazon | Book Depository]

Chasing BeforeThe Rule of ThoughtsAmitySoulless

Chasing Before by Lenore Appelhans [Amazon | Book Depository]
The Rule of Thoughts by James Dashner [Amazon | Book Depository]
Amity by Micol Ostow [Amazon | Book Depository]
Soulless by Amber Garr [Amazon]

The Revenge of SevenRivalGhost HouseWhat I Love About You

The Revenge of Seven by Pittacus Lore [Amazon | Book Depository]
Rival by Penelope Douglas [Amazon | Book Depository]
Ghost House by Alexandra Adornetto [Amazon | Book Depository]
What I Love About You by Rachel Gibson [Amazon | Book Depository]

In Her WakeThis is FallingThe Beautiful AshesI Want It That Way

In Her Wake by K.A. Tucker [Amazon | Book Depository]
This is Falling by Ginger Scott [Amazon]
The Beautiful Ashes by Jeaniene Frost [Amazon | Book Depository]
I Want It That Way by Ann Aguirre [Amazon | Book Depository]

The Only AnswerInto the GreyPlay Me BackwardsRumble

The Only Answer by Magan Vernon [Amazon]
Into the Grey by Celine Kiernan [Amazon | Book Depository]
Play Me Backwards by Adam Selzer [Amazon | Book Depository]
Rumble by Ellen Hopkins [Amazon | Book Depository]

SanctumThe Far DawnCan't Look AwayDon't Let Go

Sanctum by Madeleine Roux [Amazon | Book Depository]
The Far Dawn by Kevin Emerson [Amazon | Book Depository]
Can't Look Away by Donna Cooner [Amazon | Book Depository]
Don't Let Go by Michelle Gagnon [Amazon | Book Depository]

Faces of the DeadAstrayyoloThe Island of Excess Love

Faces of the Dead by Suzanne Weyn [Amazon | Book Depository]
Astray by Amy Christine Parker [Amazon | Book Depository]
yolo by Lauren Myracle [Amazon | Book Depository]
The Island of Excess Love by Francesca Lia Block [Amazon | Book Depository]

How to FallIf You're Reading ThisZomburbiaRebels

How to Fall by Jane Casey [Amazon | Book Depository]
If You're Reading This by Trent Reedy [Amazon | Book Depository]
Zomburbia by Adam Gallardo [Amazon | Book Depository]
Rebels by Jill Williamson [Amazon | Book Depository]

Some of pretty good books are out this week. I haven't read any of them, but I'm pretty excited to read Six Feet Over It, The Aftermath, Feral & A Little Something Different. Have you read any of the books already? What are the ones you're most excited about?

About Unknown

Hi. I'm Anatea, a 23-year-old Croatian girl, living in Germany. I enjoy reading books, traveling, fashion and photography. Let me show you my world.
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