2nd Blogoversary!

Blogoversary giveaway

So I kind of forgot to bookmark the date and because of that I forgot that I had my 2 BLOGOVERSARY on August 14th! How could I have forgotten an important thing like that? But, anyway. Crazy huh?

It's a little hard for me to believe that it's already been two years since I created this blog and started blogging. There have been lots of ups and downs with this blog, times where I just dissapeared and then came back, times that I read like crazy and posted sometimes even twice a day, but no matter what, I really enjoyed spending my time working on this blog. I loved talking to you guys, I loved reading the books and getting to tell you all about them. It seriously made my day whenever someone told me they read a book because they liked my review and it made them want to read that book. All of this wouldn't be possible if you weren't there for me. You have given me so much and now I want to give something back to you.

I'm having my Blogoversary giveaway where two people will win a book of their choice from any of the books I reviewed. You can check the list HERE.

About Unknown

Hi. I'm Anatea, a 23-year-old Croatian girl, living in Germany. I enjoy reading books, traveling, fashion and photography. Let me show you my world.
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