Out Today! 12/9/14

Out Today is my weekly post where I feature all the books that are coming out this week.

Top Ten Clues You're Clueless by Liz CzukasPrincess of Thorns by Stacey JaySuspicion by Alexandra MonirZodiac by Romina Russell

Top Ten Clues You're Clueless by Liz Czukas [Amazon | Book Depository]
Princess of Thorns by Stacey Jay [Amazon | Book Depository]
Suspicion by Alexandra Monir [Amazon | Book Depository]
Zodiac by Romina Russell [Amazon | Book Depository]

Wicked by Jennifer L. ArmentroutNo Place to Fall by Jaye Robin BrownGathering Darkness by Morgan RhodesNow That You're Here by Amy K. Nichols

Wicked by Jennifer L. Armentrout [Amazon]
No Place to Fall by Jaye Robin Brown [Amazon | Book Depository]
Gathering Darkness by Morgan Rhodes [Amazon | Book Depository]
Now That You're Here by Amy K. Nichols [Amazon | Book Depository]

For Real by Alison CherryLittle White Lies by Katie DaleBreaking the Rules by Katie McGarryKing Dork Approximately by Frank Portman

For Real by Alison Cherry [Amazon | Book Depository]
Little White Lies by Katie Dale [Amazon | Book Depository]
Breaking the Rules by Katie McGarry [Amazon]
King Dork Approximately by Frank Portman [Amazon | Book Depository]

No Intention of Dying by Lauren DeStefanoLoving You Is Easy by Wendy S. MarcusLast Will and Testament by Dahlia AdlerBittersweet by Shewanda Pugh

No Intention of Dying by Lauren DeStefano [Amazon]
Loving You Is Easy by Wendy S. Marcus [Amazon]
Last Will and Testament by Dahlia Adler [Amazon]
Bittersweet by Shewanda Pugh [Amazon]

There are soooo many books to mention today, even though December is supposed to be another slow month, I guess there's an exception to every rule. I have already read 4 of these books. Yes, I've had a good start! I will be reviewing Top Ten Clues You're Clueless on my blog at Thursday, so be sure to stop by, and I've read Suspicion and Little White Lies for blog tour, courtesy of Random House! I have quite enjoyed all three books, some more then the others, but I still liked them. I also tried to read No Place to Fall, but unfortunately, I did not like that book and DNF'ed it. Even though I've read some of the titles coming out today, there are so many I want to read, just to mention them: Wicked, Princess of Thorns, Zodiac, Now That You're Here and For Real.

Have you read some of these books? What books would you like to read?

About Unknown

Hi. I'm Anatea, a 23-year-old Croatian girl, living in Germany. I enjoy reading books, traveling, fashion and photography. Let me show you my world.
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