Out Today! 9/2/14

Out Today is my weekly post where I feature all the books that are coming out this week.

The Jewel by Amy EwingDon't Touch by Rachel M. WilsonTrial by Fire by Josephine AngeliniHeir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas

The Jewel by Amy Ewing [Amazon | Book Depository]
Don't Touch by Rachel M. Wilson [Amazon | Book Depository]
Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini [Amazon | Book Depository]
Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas [Amazon | Book Depository]

Mortal Gods by Kendare BlakeAnatomy of a Misfit by Andrea PortesMARY: The Summoning by Hillary MonahanThe Dolls by Kiki Sullivan

Mortal Gods by Kendare Blake [Amazon | Book Depository]
Anatomy of a Misfit by Andrea Portes [Amazon | Book Depository]
MARY: The Summoning by Hillary Monahan [Amazon | Book Depository]
The Dolls by Kiki Sullivan [Amazon | Book Depository]

In Her Wake by K.A. TuckerSealed with a Lie by Kat CarltonCarnival of Lies by Melissa MarrMy Year of Epic Rock by Andrea Pyros

In Her Wake by K.A. Tucker [Amazon | Book Depository]
Sealed with a Lie by Kat Carlton [Amazon | Book Depository]
Carnival of Lies by Melissa Marr [Amazon | Book Depository]
My Year of Epic Rock by Andrea Pyros [Amazon | Book Depository]

The Memory Keepers by Natasha NganShatter by Erin McCarthyStarry Night by Isabel GilliesOne More Chance by Abbi Glines

The Memory Keepers by Natasha Ngan [Amazon | Book Depository]
Shatter by Erin McCarthy [Amazon | Book Depository]
Starry Night by Isabel Gillies [Amazon | Book Depository]
One More Chance by Abbi Glines [Amazon | Book Depository]

The Winter People by Rebekah L. PurdyThe Boy I Love by Nina de Gramont100 Sideways Miles by Andrew SmithShattered by Mari Mancusi

The Winter People by Rebekah L. Purdy [Amazon | Book Depository]
The Boy I Love by Nina de Gramont [Amazon | Book Depository]
100 Sideways Miles by Andrew Smith [Amazon | Book Depository]
Shattered by Mari Mancusi [Amazon | Book Depository]

The Secret Sky by Atia AbawiFeuds by Avery HastingsCharming the Outback by Leesa BowHider, Seeker, Secret Keeper by Elizabeth Kiem

The Secret Sky by Atia Abawi [Amazon | Book Depository]
Feuds by Avery Hastings [Amazon | Book Depository]
Charming the Outback by Leesa Bow [Amazon]
Hider, Seeker, Secret Keeper by Elizabeth Kiem [Amazon | Book Depository]

Always a Catch by Peter RichmondDestined for Doon by Carey CorpPuppy Love by A. DestinyFrayed by Kim Karr

Always a Catch by Peter Richmond [Amazon | Book Depository]
Destined for Doon by Carey Corp [Amazon | Book Depository]
Puppy Love by A. Destiny & Catherine Hapka [Amazon | Book Depository]
Frayed by Kim Karr [Amazon | Book Depository]

The Paper Magician by Charlie N. HolmbergStill Point by Katie KacvinskyBroken by Lauren LayneRight Kind of Wrong by Chelsea Fine

The Paper Magician by Charlie N. Holmberg [Amazon | Book Depository]
Still Point by Katie Kacvinsky
Broken by Lauren Layne [Amazon]
Right Kind of Wrong by Chelsea Fine [Amazon | Book Depository]

There's quite a few books that I want to read. The Jewel, Don't Touch, Trial by Fire, The Boy I Love & Anatomy of a Misfit. What are the books that you want to read?

About Unknown

Hi. I'm Anatea, a 23-year-old Croatian girl, living in Germany. I enjoy reading books, traveling, fashion and photography. Let me show you my world.
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